Saturday, June 9, 2012

Captain Ludwig von Tinklemaken

...or "Tinks",  for short. Meet the newest addition to our household:

It all started at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. I had gone to purchase a dresser for our guest room when I noticed this in their art section. I took a picture with my phone because I thought it was funny, but then I kept looking at it after I left the store. After showing a coworker the picture, I knew I had to have it. I called the ReStore and bought it over the phone for weekend pick up.

Where am I going to hang this artistic gem? In front of the downstairs toilet, of course! I mean, who wouldn't want to look at Captain Tinklemaken while making tinkle?

I discussed it with some ladies on the GBCN message board and it was decided that the feline should have a name. One of the ladies came up with Captain Ludwig von Tinklemaken. I think it's fitting - a very serious name for a cat that obviously takes itself seriously.

One message board response referenced Beyonce the Chicken and it gave me an idea. I already knew Josh would be confounded by Tinks, but what would he say if he just randomly looked up from the toilet and saw this refined feline staring down at him?

Fast forward to today. I picked up Captain von Tinklemaken and hung him in the bathroom around 2:30pm. I asked Josh to clean the bathroom, put new toilet paper in there AND make sure there was a hand towel. The hand towel rack is less than a foot away from the bottom of Captain von Tinklemaken's frame! He still hasn't noticed it. How anti-climactic can you get?

Alright, let's see how long it's going to take him to see it. If it's more than five days, I'm adding a countdown button.

Update: I gave up and told him about it on Sunday. His response? "It's a cat in a bonnet." Good thing I didn't marry him for his powers of observation.

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